Testimonial: Connor

“It [The GO Project] one of the greatest experiences of my life, I got to form amazing bonds with people, volunteer at places where we really helped people, and further explore my faith alongside the other GO youth and leaders. In the end, The GO project was really something that I will never forget and I hope more youth are inspired to participate.”

– Connor, former GO Project participant

More Testimonials

Testimonial: Rebecca

“The GO Project is a major part of who I am today, of the relationship I have with God and I carry the work of GO and all the people I get to call friends with me in all that I do.” – Rebecca, former participant and GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Rebecca

Testimonial: Victoria

“When I was a youth, GO Project opened my eyes more to the world, provided me with exciting adventures, and allowed me to make incredible connections to wonderful people.” – Victoria, former participant and GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Victoria

Testimonial: Clare

“The GO Project is not only a community where I am inspired to be better, GO actively fosters a space for me and everyone involved to grow into our best selves.” – Clare, former participant and current GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Clare

Testimonial: Thomas

“My experiences as a GO participant, site staff, and site coordinator granted me a deeper understanding of myself and my place in the world, and I know that I am a more compassionate and empathetic person because of them” – Thomas, former participant and GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Thomas

Testimonial: Michael

“It is moulding him into a strong citizen and community member, who loves creation and cares about his place in the world.” – Michael, GO Project Co-Creator and Parent Continue Reading Testimonial: Michael