Lent Series: Dan
✨It’s host week! Day 18 ✨
? Act of Gratitude: Visit the link below to donate to host a children or youth program
“The best part of The GO Project Children’s Adventure Camp is that the program not only is engaging with traditional camp activities but is very hands on with outreach and mission projects for the campers. The campers and leaders learn and become engaged in the needs of their wider community. The GO Project Children’s Adventure Camp is not only meaningful for the campers but also for the volunteer leaders. After our first summer being a GO Camp host site, one of our leaders who struggled to commit and stay on track with school and life, was able to make such a commitment. Following the GO Camp this young person signed up for college on his own, completed the program, and now has a full time career. The leadership and mentorship of the GO Camp staff attribute to this shift in this young person’s life.” – Dan, Dunlop United ?
Act of Compassion: Think of someone who helped you get through a challenging time. What did they tech you? What did they model? Say a prayer of send a note of thanks for their commitment to your growth ?