Testimonial: Clare

“The GO Project has given me the opportunity to see the power of people who want to make a difference. The GO Project is not only a community where I am inspired to be better, GO actively fosters a space for me and everyone involved to grow into our best selves. Every year that I am part of GO, I finish the summer with some added perspective that changes the way I look at our world and how we live in it!”
– Clare, former participant and current GO Project staff

More Testimonials

Testimonial: Thomas

“My experiences as a GO participant, site staff, and site coordinator granted me a deeper understanding of myself and my place in the world, and I know that I am a more compassionate and empathetic person because of them” – Thomas, former participant and GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Thomas

Testimonial: Victoria

“When I was a youth, GO Project opened my eyes more to the world, provided me with exciting adventures, and allowed me to make incredible connections to wonderful people.” – Victoria, former participant and GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Victoria

Testimonial: Bailey

“The GO Project shaped who I am and continues to inspire the person who I want to become.” – Bailey, former GO Project participant Continue Reading Testimonial: Bailey

Testimonial: Paige

“The GO Project takes our faith from our hearts and minds and puts it in to action, so that we may work to be the hands of God in our world.” – Paige, former GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Paige

Testimonial: Rana

“I can honestly say I would not be the person I am today had I not participated in such a rich experience.” – Rana, former participant and GO Project volunteer leader
Continue Reading Testimonial: Rana