Testimonial: Connor

“It [The GO Project] one of the greatest experiences of my life, I got to form amazing bonds with people, volunteer at places where we really helped people, and further explore my faith alongside the other GO youth and leaders. In the end, The GO project was really something that I will never forget and I hope more youth are inspired to participate.”

– Connor, former GO Project participant

More Testimonials

Testimonial: Jay

“I was able to observe how through the principles of God, we can care for one another and also the environment.” – Jay, former GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Jay

Testimonial: Alex

“I am very thankful for what GO does for the communities it is apart of and look forward to seeing what it continues to do!” – Alex, former participant & GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Alex

Testimonial: Clare

“The GO Project is not only a community where I am inspired to be better, GO actively fosters a space for me and everyone involved to grow into our best selves.” – Clare, former participant and current GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Clare

Testimonial: Abbey

“GO has allowed me to volunteer with youth all over Canada, and form friendships that will last a lifetime. The staff at GO are so energetic, charismatic, and loving. I loved GO so much I went twice last summer!” – Abbey, GO Project participant Continue Reading Testimonial: Abbey

Testimonial: Dan

“The best part of The GO Project Children’s Adventure Camp is that the program not only is engaging with traditional camp activities but is very hands on with outreach and mission projects for the campers.” – Dan, Children’s Adventure Camp host
Continue Reading Testimonial: Dan