Testimonial: Grandparent

“Our granddaughter enjoyed this week so much. She learned much about gardening skills, bread making, interacting with new friends, etc. We, her grandparents, are so pleased with the entire program. Such a wonderful experience and many great memories of a very special week. Thanks to all!”
– Grandparent of participant

More Testimonials

Testimonial: Nick

“I gained amazing friendships and was able to help out and volunteer, things like serving meals, making beds, and even helping out in the garden! All in all, I loved the GO Project and will definitely be coming back next summer!” – Nick, GO Project participant Continue Reading Testimonial: Nick

Testimonial: Clare

“The GO Project is not only a community where I am inspired to be better, GO actively fosters a space for me and everyone involved to grow into our best selves.” – Clare, former participant and current GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Clare

Testimonial: Sarah

“I am incredibly grateful for the vision of GO, and the mission work of God’s church that continues to be lived out across Canada and beyond through its programs” – Sarah, former GO Project staff and volunteer Continue Reading Testimonial: Sarah

Testimonial: Connor

“The GO project was really something that I will never forget and I hope more youth are inspired to participate.” – Connor, former GO Project participant Continue Reading Testimonial: Connor

Testimonial: Rebecca

“The GO Project is a major part of who I am today, of the relationship I have with God and I carry the work of GO and all the people I get to call friends with me in all that I do.” – Rebecca, former participant and GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Rebecca