Testimonial: Meghan

“We host because GO makes change in the lives of our children and young people. It’s a chance for the children in our community to grow in themselves, explore social justice, and serve in the community, while still having tons of fun. The campers, staff, and volunteers become a family over the course of the week, and the kids are always sad for the week to end. I’ve only ever heard enthusiastic comments from campers, parents, and our volunteers. It really brings our church community together.”
– Meghan, Children’s Adventure Camp host

More Testimonials

Testimonial: Lauren

“I’m grateful for the work of GO in my life and in so many communities.” – Lauren, former GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Lauren

Testimonial: Sarah

“I am incredibly grateful for the vision of GO, and the mission work of God’s church that continues to be lived out across Canada and beyond through its programs” – Sarah, former GO Project staff and volunteer Continue Reading Testimonial: Sarah

Testimonial: Andrew

“I am more socially aware, spiritually engaged, emotionally in touch and confident in my gifts as a result of GO.” – Andrew, former GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Andrew

Testimonial: Simon

“Hosting GO allowed us as a community of faith to grow in our own mission by creating space for young people while also offering hospitality to people who went from being strangers to being friends.” – Simon, Youth GO Project host
Continue Reading Testimonial: Simon

Testimonial: Mike

“The GO Project is committed to making the world a better place.”- Mike, community partner Continue Reading Testimonial: Mike