Testimonial: Rebecca

“The GO Project is a major part of who I am today, of the relationship I have with God and I carry the work of GO and all the people I get to call friends with me in all that I do.”
– Rebecca, former participant and GO Project staff

More Testimonials

Testimonial: Katie

“The program reignited my interest in the United Church and gave me a community where I was free to be 100% me.” – Katie, former GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Katie

Testimonial: Mike

“The GO Project is committed to making the world a better place.”- Mike, community partner Continue Reading Testimonial: Mike

Testimonial: Abbey

“GO has allowed me to volunteer with youth all over Canada, and form friendships that will last a lifetime. The staff at GO are so energetic, charismatic, and loving. I loved GO so much I went twice last summer!” – Abbey, GO Project participant Continue Reading Testimonial: Abbey

Testimonial: Charlotte

I have been going to GO camp for the past 5 years and have been having great experiences and making memories!”- Charlotte, GO Project participant
Continue Reading Testimonial: Charlotte

Testimonial: Sarah

“I am incredibly grateful for the vision of GO, and the mission work of God’s church that continues to be lived out across Canada and beyond through its programs” – Sarah, former GO Project staff and volunteer Continue Reading Testimonial: Sarah