Testimonial: Thomas

“My experiences as a GO participant, site staff, and site coordinator granted me a deeper understanding of myself and my place in the world, and I know that I am a more compassionate and empathetic person because of them”
– Thomas, former participant and GO Project staff

More Testimonials

Testimonial: Victoria

“When I was a youth, GO Project opened my eyes more to the world, provided me with exciting adventures, and allowed me to make incredible connections to wonderful people.” – Victoria, former participant and GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Victoria

Testimonial: Abbey

“GO has allowed me to volunteer with youth all over Canada, and form friendships that will last a lifetime. The staff at GO are so energetic, charismatic, and loving. I loved GO so much I went twice last summer!” – Abbey, GO Project participant Continue Reading Testimonial: Abbey

Testimonial: Alex

“I am very thankful for what GO does for the communities it is apart of and look forward to seeing what it continues to do!” – Alex, former participant & GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Alex

Testimonial: Rebecca

“The GO Project is a major part of who I am today, of the relationship I have with God and I carry the work of GO and all the people I get to call friends with me in all that I do.” – Rebecca, former participant and GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Rebecca

Testimonial: Clare

“The GO Project is not only a community where I am inspired to be better, GO actively fosters a space for me and everyone involved to grow into our best selves.” – Clare, former participant and current GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Clare