Testimonial: Charlotte

“My experiences at the GO Project camp have been fantastic. For example, we did fun activities like gardening, tie dying, visit to the senior centre, donations to the food bank, fun and games and more. I have been going to GO camp for the past 5 years and have been having great experiences and making memories! You can too!!”

– Charlotte, GO Project participant

More Testimonials

Testimonial: Meghan

“We host because GO makes change in the lives of our children and young people… The campers, staff, and volunteers become a family over the course of the week, and the kids are always sad for the week to end.” – Meghan, Children’s Adventure Camp host Continue Reading Testimonial: Meghan

Testimonial: Abbey

“GO has allowed me to volunteer with youth all over Canada, and form friendships that will last a lifetime. The staff at GO are so energetic, charismatic, and loving. I loved GO so much I went twice last summer!” – Abbey, GO Project participant Continue Reading Testimonial: Abbey

Testimonial: Grandparent

“Such a wonderful experience and many great memories of a very special week. Thanks to all!” – Grandparent of participant Continue Reading Testimonial: Grandparent

Testimonial: Mike

“The GO Project is committed to making the world a better place.”- Mike, community partner Continue Reading Testimonial: Mike

Testimonial: Victoria

“When I was a youth, GO Project opened my eyes more to the world, provided me with exciting adventures, and allowed me to make incredible connections to wonderful people.” – Victoria, former participant and GO Project staff Continue Reading Testimonial: Victoria